If you are experiencing an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Sterling College offers counseling services free to any of our students. The purpose of providing these services is to improve their academic performance and emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. Research indicates that students who struggle socially or emotionally are more likely to either drop out of school or transfer. We aim to reach out to those students, so that their college experience can be more enjoyable and successful.
Clinical counseling services are provided by David Miller and Danika Drake. David has a BA in Business Communications from Point Loma Nazarene University, MA in Higher Education from John Brown University, MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Fort Hays State University and is a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Danika has an MS degree in Family Therapy from Friends University, and she is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM. If you would like to talk to a counselor, please call us at 620-278-2173 or email us at counseling@sterling.edu. Otherwise, appointments can be made in advance by contacting the Counseling Staff or Student Life. All appointments take place in the counseling offices located in Kelsey Hall.
Walk-in Hours are available Monday and Friday 12-1 pm. Otherwise, appointments must be made in advance by contacting the counseling staff or student life. All appointments take place in the counseling offices located in Kelsey Hall.
These services are confidential in nature. All records are confidential and separate from any other record on campus. The content of all sessions is confidential with these limitations: if there is an immediate or imminent threat of personal harm to self or another person, if there is a report of ongoing abuse to a minor, or if the student is under 18.
Issues that can be addressed may include but are not limited to...
Depression/ Suicide
Alcohol/Drug Issues
Anger Management
Eating Disorders
Relational Issues
Family Problems
Identity issues
School Problems
Sexual Abuse or Domestic Violence
If you need immediate help after office hours and cannot reach the RD or RD on call at 620-278-6218, please call 1-800-875-2544, the Crisis Intervention Hotline for Rice County, KS.