Invoice Each Client in Their Own Currency
We’re very excited to announce that we’ve just launched a major new feature that allows you to send invoices in different currencies. As of today, you can bill each of your clients in their native currency.
In keeping with the Paydirt philosophy, we’ve made sure this is simple to use, and a snap to set up.
Each client has their own currency, and it defaults to your account currency.
To change a client’s billing currency, simply edit their details. That’s all there is to it.
All the work you do for that client and the invoices you send them will now be in their currency.
The time you log for that client will be in their currency, and invoices display their currency code in the total.
Each reporting tool now also displays totals in each currency.
The graph of time worked and the invoice browser both take multiple currencies into account.
We’re going to continue working on this feature, and would love to hear how we can make it more useful for you. Drop us a line and we’ll take your feedback into account!
Simple Invoicing & Time Tracking
Quit worrying about tracking time, invoices and estimates and complicated software. We got you.