Manage Your Team’s Permissions
If you’re using Paydirt with a large team, you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve just introduced the ability to manage the permissions your team has.
As the account owner, you can now determine whether each team member can:
- View and modify your Paydirt account’s settings and billing settings
- View, create, and manage invoices
- View the work that other team members have logged
To get started, head over to your Team Settings.
By default, all team members have access to everything:
To change a team member’s permissions, just edit their details:
When a user who can’t manage invoices logs in, they’ll see a cut back version of Paydirt. They won’t have access to Paydirt’s invoicing features, their dashboard won’t include current invoices, and when viewing a client, the ability to create invoices will be removed.
If a team member can’t view the time other team members have tracked, they will only see their own log entries. Each client’s unbilled value will represent only the time that user has logged.
Team members that don’t have permission to access your Paydirt account’s settings will be redirected to their own settings page if they try to access account settings.
We’ll be adding more features for larger teams down the track, including the ability to manage which team members are taking part in each project. Stay tuned!
Simple Invoicing & Time Tracking
Quit worrying about tracking time, invoices and estimates and complicated software. We got you.