Your Clients Aren’t Stupid
It’s something you hear a lot from frustrated freelancers, and I’ve said it my fair share too: “Clients are so stupid!”
And it’s understandable. Clients do say the damnedest things, want their logo bigger and an ‘about us’ page chapters long. Some clients write emails that are truly indecipherable, all in the subject line, with no punctuation. Others don’t realize that the printer is simply switched off… that’s right, the big button with the power symbol on it – push it.
They sure can seem stupid.
But there are three problems with deciding that your client is stupid:
- They’re probably not
Intelligence isn’t measured in tech-know-how, graphic design sense or copywriting ability. In fact, if your client is running a sustainable business they’re probably pretty bright. They just have different skills to you, and that’s why they hired you.
- It prohibits improvement
Once you decide your client is an idiot you’ve resigned yourself to the situation as it is and closed the door on the possibility of improvement. After all, if your client really is stupid, there’s nothing you can do about it, right?
- You’re letting yourself off the hook
Whatever kind of freelancer you are, part of your job description is managing clients. More often than not these ‘stupid client’ moments actually reflect a failure on the part of the freelancer to communicate clearly, manage expectations, set boundaries, or properly establish trust in their expertise.
Complaining about clients is cathartic, but mastering the art of avoiding and managing these problems is productive, and will ultimately make your business life easier.
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